
A Recent Graduate's Guide to Managing Finances During Uncertain Times


Securing your dream job right out of high school or college can seem next to impossible. Whether you're eying a coveted internship or seeking a full-time position with a top-ranked employer, competing with fellow graduates for limited positions is made more challenging during tough economic times. You might eventually need to take one or more lower-paying jobs so you can pay your bills.

在你等待经济形势好转的时候, use these smart money strategy checklists to help manage your finances.


Creating a budget lays the groundwork for successful money management regardless of the state of the economy. Use this checklist to help create or improve your current budgeting process and achieve your financial 目标s now and in the future.

  • 选择一个系统来跟踪收入和支出. This can be a mobile app, an online spreadsheet, or a pencil and paper. At a minimum, the system must include a place to input income along with fixed and variable expenses.
  • Calculate your take-home pay from all available sources. This includes income from a traditional employer and side gigs.
  • Gather last month's billing statements for easy reference. Input the required payment and due dates for all of your fixed expenses, e.g.房租、手机、学生贷款等.,输入您选择的预算跟踪系统.
  • Refer to the last three months of bank statements and receipts to average and record how much is spent in each variable expense category, e.g.,杂货,汽车汽油,娱乐等.
  • Your budgeting tool may be able to tell you with one click whether you're overspending or have surplus income.
  • 如果您致力于手动流程, simply calculate where you stand by adding your variable and fixed expenses together and subtracting the total from your income.

你花的比赚的少吗? 祝贺你! 你有盈余收入. Deposit the excess money in a dedicated savings account you only touch in an emergency. Money in this account can help you pay your bills if you experience a job loss or have a necessary expense that would otherwise wreck your budget.

Is the amount you're spending equal to or more than your income? Apply the suggestions in the 费用削减清单 below to create surplus income.

Contact your state and local 政府ernment offices for assistance. This may include filing for unemployment and securing alternative health benefits.


If your budget leaves you with little to no surplus income each month, it's time to trim expenses.

  • 回顾你的固定成本. Rent will probably be your largest fixed expense and bring the biggest relief to your budget. Are you able to make alternate living arrangements, such as moving back home with family? Can you move to a smaller apartment or share expenses with a roommate?
  • 回顾你的可变费用. Eliminate entertainment expenses and check out free entertainment venues in your area. Obtain a community library card and borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, and music at no cost. Libraries across the country offer these and other resources, including movies and television shows via Libby by Overdrive, 喧闹的数字, 以及Bibliotheca的云图书馆.
  • 探索你的选择. Contact creditors to determine if you can secure a reduced interest rate on loans, 将余额转入利率较低的账户, or qualify for student loan forbearance or deferment. They may also be willing to temporarily waive fees or allow you to skip payments, 而不受惩罚, 如果你解释一下你的情况.
  • 计划你的膳食. 使用网站和移动应用程序像 Supercook, which allow you to plan meals based on what's already in your pantry.
  • 货比三家寻找成本较低的服务. You might find less expensive cell service or car insurance with just a phone call.
  • Schedule automatic payments for fixed expenses using your financial institution's online banking or mobile app. This will help ensure bills are paid on time and can help you avoid late fees.
  • Contact creditors to adjust due dates if it becomes difficult to pay bills on time.


如果你决定继续深造, 而不是进入劳动力市场, 使用这个清单来找到空闲的钱, 减少潜在的学生贷款债务.

  • Contact the financial aid office at your institution to discover how you can apply for institutional scholarships and grants.
  • 浏览免费奖学金网站,如 奖学金.com or Search for scholarships based on your chosen major, ethnicity, GPA, and interests.
  • 访问 and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Colleges and universities use the application to determine if you qualify for federal student loans and grants. The results may even help you qualify for institutional grants or work-study programs.